Last June 16, 2024 a group of people from the Outreach Ministry of Servidei Community (they are

members of Couples for Christ Community here in the Philippines) came to our Foundation (Don Carlo Cavina Foundation, Inc.)


The Don Carlo Cavina Foundation, Inc., is a non-profit organization managed by the sisters of the Daughters of St. Francis de Sales, aims to help the poorest families through various initiatives: paying school fees and school supplies to children who cannot afford it, giving support to struggling parents through work activities (sewing, soap making, rosaries, etc.) but in order to help them more, we need help from benefactors. And the Couples for Christ group came to us by donating sewing machines, school supplies for elementary students, clothes and backpacks to the Foundation. They share their blessings to our beneficiaries.

 Before we started the program, we had first our Holy Mass in our convent (chapel) with Fr. Venerando J. Yator, SVD. He was the one who introduced our Foundation to this group. The Holy Mass was attended by the Outreach Ministry group  (20 persons) and 22 of our beneficiaries and 7 parent volunteers, and the DSFS community.

After the Mass a short program followed. The children presented a special number by level as a way of repaying their gratitude to the group (Couples for Christ).

The event concluded with a shared lunch for the attending children, parents and volunteers.

On behalf of the Foundation we extend our special thanks to the Outreach Ministry of the Servidei


 Sr. Andresa M. Aaron, DSFS

Sister in charge